
Send simply and safety the password and confidential documents.


  • Password
  • Keyfile


Input Error.


The simplest safe
way to send the passwords

With Password Transmitter, you can easily send passwords that used to be a hassle. Since no data is left on the Internet, it is much safer than email, compressed files, or messengers. Only the encrypted data is stored on the server, and after a specified period of time, it is completely deleted from the server. It is also easy to use. All you have to do is to enter the contents you want to encrypt and set the release password.

  • 1

    Enter the text you want to encrypt and enter the storage period and the decryption password.

  • 2

    Copy the text with the URL and password for viewing, and send the URL and password by e-mail.

  • 3

    The viewer can view the encrypted document by entering the password received.

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Please read the disclaimer before using. AES is a strong encryption method that is adopted as a standard in US.(2018)


info (at) passwordtransmitter.com

Made by TimeOff.


In order to prevent unauthorized access to data, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc., this website will take necessary measures to maintain security system. Also, encrypted data stored in the server is not browsed, analyzed, personalized, used, or stored at all by the service provider, and it is deleted entirely from the server and the network during the specified Retention.

This website is provided free of charge. Please use the site at your own risk. Producers engaged in the construction, production, and operation of this website may not be liable for direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages, expenses, losses, or losses due to the visitors' We are not responsible for any obligation. About the use of this site, we will not ask any responsibility for any troubles, loss or damage, etc.